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Infants/Children are classified by their age on the day of return from the holiday. Infants are classified as being under 2 years of age i.e. 0-1 year old. Children of the same age should be listed individually, as the child ages is used to count the number of child occupants.


Children will be defined as being 2 years and above. The upper limit will be subject to the hotels own contracted child age policies.


Due to flight restrictions, each infant requires 1 adult for travel.


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Travel Agency in Haxby, York

Welcome to Conexo Travel, York. We are an independently owned & family run travel agency in Haxby, a suburb of York and have been trading since 2005.

The leading independent travel agent in York, Conexo Travel make it our business to ensure our loyal clients enjoy the full booking experience, starting with that initial enquiry, helping you to choose your holiday destination, and completing your reservation to arranging handover of documentation.

All of the holidays we offer come with complete financial protection for your peace of mind. We are members of ABTA and our ABTA number is L420X.

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